So we here at ABS have started a new tradition. We have purchased a notebook. The notebook fits easily into a handbag and once the night has progressed far enough, (read: everyone is nicely drunk) we pass the notebook around and draw our evening. It brings some interesting results.

This is me. I was wearing a silly bucket hat.
M Kraft is the artist.
We shall name the series after this drawing , the first of many "Once at a bar".
K Tuttle.
is that the same notebook where u write down silly quotes that are worth writing down said by your friends...if so, what was my funny line u wrote down around christmas time about 2 years ago...i know its a long time ago, but its the only quote of mine you ever wroted down...i swear i was at one time funny.
Different notebook same concept. I claimed to be Ossma Bin Laden and you are the only one who heard me. You then said... "That is why he is never caught!" Good stuff.
thats right...greatest joke ever. because it still rings true...unfortunately, but still, hilarious.
hey, i got some stuff in that notebook, too, if i remember correctly....but hell if i know when i said them or what i said. i order you to shed light K Tut! (it's rusty)
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