Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Women are cats

So it is time for the long waited part two of Men are Dogs. We shall call it "Women are Cats"

"Wow creative title," you say.

Remember we are known for content here at A.B.S. not clever titles. We desire lasting glory not short-term fame. Last time we discussed why men, women, cats, and dogs make mistakes. Now we will discuss...wait we can't give a way the punch line up front.

"Orange you glad I didn't say banana... Knock, knock. Wait I did that wrong." That is not how we roll. Meandering aimlessly is more our style.

So here is the question. Who does a cat want to pet it? The cat wants to be petted by who the cat wants to pet it. When does the cat want to be petted? The cat wants to be petted when it wants to be petted. I didn't really answer either of those questions, I know, but they are questions that can not be answered by mankind. They are mysteries.

By now you should know where this is going and you should be nodding your head in agreement. You should also be preparing cleaver comments and telling your friends all about how great this blog is and how they should read it daily. Onto the obvious.

Now, Whom does a woman want to be rubbed by? A woman wants to be rubbed by whom the woman wants to be rubbed by. When does a woman want to be rubbed? A woman wants to be rubbed when a woman wants to be rubbed. The woman is discriminate. That is evolutionary biology and territoriality speaking. This is my land and I must protect it. There is also the if you see me and can't touch me you want me more. The tactics of cats and woman are survival and desire based both fear and control in the same action of selective petting.

Neither man nor dog care who is rubbing them. They want to be rubbed all the time by everyone. They are not discriminate. They just want to be rubbed. This also comes from the agricultural concept of broadcasting, throw your seed as far and wide as possible and it will find fertile ground.

Oh yeah, "rubbing" and "petting" refer to sex, if you weren't picking up the subtly. And seed, that would be semen. Fertile ground would be a womb, in which a sperm and an egg could join and grow into a child.

Actually this whole series of blogs is an extended metaphor where I compare Cats to Women and Dogs to Men.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

K Tuttle

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