Monday, February 25, 2008

Men are dogs

For those of you who know me you have undoubtedly heard this argument before, but it has been a slow week intellectually for me, so I'll rehash some old idea. 

Apparently blogging is like being a sit-com writer, except we get to be funny.

Now what is this old idea you ask? It is simple and time tested. Women are like cats men are like dogs.

“Wow that is profound” you think. “Good work next you're going to be telling us the sky is like blue and the ground is like hard, jackass.” Wait, wait, it's not the theory that is good, it's the examples. They are funny and I tell them "with such enthusiasm," to quote a Mr. Conn.

So here we go.

Why does a cat crap on the floor? No one knows. It could be because you changed its cat food, or you didn’t chance it’s kitty litter. There is a chance it *crapped on the new rug because 3 weeks ago when you were doing your taxes it wanted attention jumped on all your paperwork and rashly you threw it to the ground. You might have a guess at what the cause is but you never really know do you.

Why does a dog crap on the floor? You didn’t let it out. That’s about it.

Now women are like cats here, if they are mad you never really know why. It is a great cosmic mystery. You came home late 3 weeks ago? Nope that’s not it. “You should know what you did” they say. The cats message of mystery on the carpet is the same thing. “I’m pisssed now you have to figure out to make it better or I will start pissing all over your shoes.” There is nothing you can do about either except behave and put up with the shit that is amply provided.

Why is a man mad. Most likely because you didn’t let him out, with his friends, for a beer or nine.

He, like a dog, is simple minded. That is not to say stupid. If a dog sees food out it thinks. “Huh food and I’m hungryYOOMMP YOOMMP. Hey I’m not hungry any more.” That is simple. He is not thinking about the dinner plans at 7pm with the parents. He’s hungry and need nourishment. Eating when your hungry is not stupid. 

Men and dogs are not stupid, they are inconsiderate. Consideration is NOT a natural thought process for the simple mind of man and dog.

So this is part one of three. I’m making it three parts for two reasons. One I get to make multiple post about one topic. easy. Secondly 350-450 words seem to be about the right length for these things. So I ask you the reader for some feedback.

Did you like the older longer post? Do you like frequent short posts. Hit up the comment box or email me at

Not that I’m going to listen. 

Anarchist don't take orders.

K Tuttle.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I prefer the shorter posts... WOOT... and I got quoted! WOOT WOOT!!