Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Death that Moves us forward

For the good of America, Britney Spears needs to die.

This is not a complaint about her music, which I don't hate, but because there has not been an iconic death since Kurt Cobain.

Every era needs a death to announce it has died. John Lennon's death marked the end of the 60's counter culture. Elvis the end of the 50's optimism. The Belushi (the real one, not Jim) death marked the end of the coked out 70's. Lennon and Belushi deaths created a talent vacuum that caused the mostly awful 80's. Cobain's death brought an end to both the grunge and the thing grunge rebelled against, the aforementioned 80's.

Good work Kurt, way to kill all my guilty pleasures with one shot.

To the head.

Since then the culture has run wild with no real artistic direction. This is not meant to disparage the Radioheads, Flaming Lips, Wilcos, and Wes Anderson’s of the world. They simply do not have the following that would cause a industry wide change.

Well, and they haven’t died.

So we keep looking for the death that shakes the bedrock of the entertainment industry. One that makes them realize time is not on their side. We need a death that forces people to sober up and work hard at their craft.

Britney’s death would do that.

The souless, huge headed (physical feature due to anorexia, not ego) starlet would be taken aback. "I was doing lines of coke with her last week. Now she is as dead as I feel inside. Maybe I should make a change. Perhaps I should read a book. I wonder if I could buy a soul?"

Then, suddenly, trendsetters start to take notice of original thinkers. The intelinista starts talking about real thoughts and not trashing party girls with no underwear. The focus shifts from inane chatter about stars and moves toward achievement.

All Britney has to do is die.

As an added bonus K-Fed would become the new Pricilla Presley.

Just think of how great that Naked Gun movie would be.

K Tuttle

1 comment:

Chris said...

I can't say that I agree more. And along with Brittany, send Paris Hilton along with her. The world just may be a better place with out the two of them.